ECED 439: Assessment of Infants and Young Children with Special Needs

Course Outline (Online 3.0 credits)


  • Three Drop-box Assignments
  • Two Quizzes
  • Three Discussion Board Assignments

This course is eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading. To determine whether you can take this course for Credit/D/Fail grading, visit the Credit/D/Fail website. You must register in the course before you can select the Credit/D/Fail grading option.


This online course examines assessment for program planning purposes for infants and toddlers, and the role of Infant Development (ID) and Aboriginal Infant Development (AID) and Supported Child Development (SCD) and Aboriginal Supported Child Development (ASCD) consultants in the process.

ECED 439 is intended to provide students with information related to assessment for program planning purposes within diverse settings. It is intended for ID and AID consultants who work with children aged 0-3 in home, childcare, or preschool settings; and SCD and ASCD consultants who work with children in childcare and school settings. This course would also be appropriate for early childhood education/pre-school teachers, pediatric nurses and rehabilitative therapists with a special interest in young children. Prospective students are expected to have completed a minimum of two years of college and/or university courses.

Students are expected to have a basic understanding of typical and atypical development of infants and young children. It is strongly suggested that students who are not in a Diploma or Certificate program at UBC complete EPSE 406 or a similar course such as EPSE 317, EPSE 403 or ECED 438 before registering in this course.

ECED 439 is a core course for the Minor in Education – Early Childhood Education, the Diploma in Infant Development and Supported Child Development (IDSC), the Certificate in IDSC, and the BC ECE Basic Certificate Program. This online course is an elective for the Certificate in Early Years Education.

Students registered in the Diploma or Certificate IDSC program at UBC should complete EPSE 348 and EPSE 406 prior to enrolling in this course.


By the end of this course, students will:

  • Understand and be able to utilize appropriate assessment procedures, practices, and tools with infants and young children;
  • Understand the role of ID and SCD consultants in the assessment process;
  • Have a thorough knowledge of basic terminology and tools relating to the assessment process and tools; and
  • Understand the critical role of the family in the assessment process.


This course is offered online on Canvas –

1 Overview of assessment, including types, history and applicable laws
2 The role of infant development and supported child care consultants in the assessment process
3 Basic terminology, statistical processes, and tools associated with assessments
4 Collaborating with families in the assessment process
5 Knowing when to refer a child for screening or diagnostic assessments
6 Assessment of social, communication and language skills
7 Assessment of cognitive, motor and sensory skills
8 Identifying achievable goals and objectives for program planning
9 Interpreting assessment reports from other professionals


Call the UBC Bookstore to order: 604.822.2665, or toll-free in North America: 1.800.661.3889 or
Order online:

  • McLean, Mary, Wolery, Mark and Bailey, Donald B. Assessing Infants and Preschoolers with Special Needs Third Edition. Pearson Education Canada Ltd., 2003. ISBN: 9780130986627
  • Meisels, Samuel J. and Atkins-Burnett, Sally. Developmental Screening in Early Childhood Education A Guide Fifth Edition. National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2005. ISBN: 9781928896258


This is an online course. Students are required to have a computer, access to the Internet, and a Campus Wide Login ID and password to access the course website.


Your EZproxy connection will allow you to access library resources from your computer on or off campus. For more info, go to


Telephone: 604.822.2013, or toll-free in North America: 1.888.492.1122

Latest Revision on: November 5, 2019